MARQX ELEVEN is a global online RETAIL & LIFESTYLE destination for men and women entrepreneurs.
This document constitutes a legally binding agreement ("Agreement") governing the terms of use for our websites: MARQXELEVEN.com. By using this website, you signify your acceptance to this Agreement. Our services, as is appropriate in the context of the use of the words. Likewise, the words "you" and "your" refer to you, the person who is being presented with this document for your agreement.
By registering for our website as a member, you are agreeing to receive regular newsletters and marketing related emails from MARQX ELEVEN. Should you wish to be removed from our email list, you can unsubscribe or terminate your account at any time.
We have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor or review all materials posted by any users on the 101 Sites, including on the MARQX ELEVEN.com Forum or within our editorial comments.
We reserve the right to edit, refuse to post or to remove any information or materials that we believe is objectionable or violates this Agreement, the Terms & Conditions, or applicable laws or regulations.
We may remove any review or comment at any time for any reason (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of claims or allegations from third parties or authorities relating to such review or comment), or for no reason at all, with or without notice.
You must be at least eighteen years of age to take part in our online community.
At any time without notice, we may, at our discretion, suspend your access to MARQX ELEVEN, terminate your MARQX ELEVEN account or remove your user content from any part of our website.
The MARQX ELEVEN Forum is a public place intended for entertainment, learning, and interacting with like-minded individuals. We are not responsible for any decisions you make based on something you read on the MARQX ELEVEN Forum.